Download the Luganda Version of From Dictatorship to Democracy Here

Hello Comrades,

A few months ago with permission from the Albert Einstein Institution, we embarked on translating Gene Sharp’s “From Dictatorship to Democracy” to Luganda one of Uganda’s local languages. We are excited to inform you that we concluded the translation and it is now available with us.  (Download the Luganda Version of From Dictatorship to Democracy Here )

While Nonviolent resistance has been widely practiced with momentous successes registered, there remains a huge gap in the knowledge available to people in different languages. This is one of the reasons we started on translating different materials on nonviolence and civil resistance to Ugandan local languages one of which is Luganda, a language understood by a sizeable part of the population.  We are also translating several materials into other local languages.

From Dictatorship to Democracy is a must-read for all those interested in human rights and democracy.

“By placing confidence in violent means, one has chosen the very type of struggle with which the oppressors nearly always have superiority” Gene Sharp

One of the key tenets of Sharp’s analysis is that non-violent struggle has a greater chance of success than violent resistance, because tyrannical regimes will, invariably, have the superior military power with which to suppress armed risings. The solution, Sharp contends, is “political defiance.”

Violence is often damaging to a democratic movement because it often disrupts the lives of civilians and potentially alienates support for democratic forces.

In his book, Sharp advocates for non-violent disruption as the key way to take down a dictatorship. He offers practical advice on this method. He implores democratic forces to adopt a grand strategy in order to focus the movement and develop relevant strategies, tactics, and methods for ousting a dictatorial regime.

Sharp lists a number of weaknesses dictatorship possesses. Although they may seem invincible due to their monopolization of violence, dictatorships are actually surprisingly reliant on support or at least inactivity from the general public. A dictator can only take power if their cause and authority seem legitimate. They require the cooperation of large segments of society – whether it be a functioning bureaucracy or loyal police and military force,” from Andrew’s review at

This book is timely and extremely relevant in Uganda today. Rivera Sun encourages everyone to read this book as it is s a citizens’ handbook for understanding the rise and fall of dictators through nonviolent resistance.

Feel free to reach us for a copy. You can also find a copy at WII OTEM COMMUNITY CENTER library. You will love it!

 Download the Luganda Version of From Dictatorship to Democracy Here

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Empowering the oppressed with skills for strategic nonviolence and movement building.

We educate vulnerable communities through discussion-based “problem-posing” education. The pedagogical methods of such community-based trainings employ cross-cultural interactions, physical activities, arts, debates, and other interactive and experiential approaches. Some call this “popular education,” “pedagogy of the oppressed,” or “adult education” (but we think even kids learn better this way)

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