Direct action is taking the action you want without asking a third party to intervene.

Often in Uganda, we find people “calling upon government” to make the changes they want. Amuru youth decided not to waste time lobbying authorities. Instead, they blocked numerous truckloads of charcoal from leaving their district. They seized the charcoal and set it on fire. This resulted in losses for businessmen exploiting the environment, including a certain policeman whose colleagues showed up to rescue him, but failed to do so due to the overwhelming numbers of youth that had taken direct action against those pillaging their land.

Now the Amuru DISO and others are behind the cause, supporting the youth in their efforts to seize, impound, and destroy any charcoal purchases incentivizing Amuru residents to destroy their forests.

While Solidarity Uganda salutes and supports these actions by Amuru youth, we also believe it is time similar youth groups are formed elsewhere across the country, wherever the charcoal business is thriving at the expense of the local communities and their environment.
Forward with direct action against exploitation, forward!