Daniel Okech is one of the scholars that scooped the Wii Otem Independent study scholarships offered by Solidarity Uganda at Wii Otem, Lira. As Steve Biko notes, the greatest weapon in the hand of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed and we can not stop enriching our minds with knowledge and resources that […]

Obakki kede Otino

You are the paramount chief The high clergy of our people Tell us, then, the source of your wisdom “It is the free abandon of a child She laughs, knowing not her poverty She runs, knowing nothing of honor She climbs, knowing the mango is ripe Did you expect to come here seeing suffering? We […]

Where Does Power Come From?

Power comes from the gun of a man who stands outside my home He waits until I wake, poised silent and calm Power is his, thus so are my cattle, my land, my people   Yet power comes from the man who gave this man the gun Bathed in the colors of a general, the […]