Mass Land Grabbing; An injustice perpetrated by the state

Unfairness in land use, control, and governance has existed for decades now, with corruption, unfair policies, and other injustices embedded in the land tenure system. The graft problem has not spared the police, the judiciary related to land deals as well as the procuring departments where collusion has struck deep, and large cash bribes are […]


Apaa community presents petition of 3,347 families demanding to remain on their land, pledging not to accept compensation This article was First published by Apaa Monitor- Northern Uganda facebook page Today 10 representatives of the Apaa community visited the office of the Deputy Speaker of Parliament and presented a petition which is to be given […]


By Shua Wilmot The Benet people of Eastern Uganda were driven out of their motherland 35 years ago. The government has made very little effort to support them through their forced transition. One Benet community has been “settled” on temporal land for over 10 years, under constant threat of eviction at a moment’s notice. Since […]