By Shua Wilmot The Benet people of Eastern Uganda were driven out of their motherland 35 years ago. The government has made very little effort to support them through their forced transition. One Benet community has been “settled” on temporal land for over 10 years, under constant threat of eviction at a moment’s notice. Since […]


The peaceful occupancy of United Nations office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights by people from Apaa continues to yield more power Today marks one month for #OccupyUN in Gulu, where 234 victims of brutal land grabs have camped in protest of continuous killings and other abuses at the hands of the Ugandan state. […]

Return Our Computers, Cameras Now!

Dear friends who believe in justice, Our cameras and computers were confiscated by the state of Uganda when we were arrested December 6, 2014 and charged with unlawful assembly, meaning state authorities weren’t happy about the alleged conversation we were having about peace! For the past year, we’ve had trouble keeping in touch with you all, […]

What Does It Mean to Reclaim MLK Day?

When I was in fourth grade, a teacher at our school placed a transparent picture on an overhead projector (remember those?) depicting a white man walking alongside Martin Luther King Jr., explaining that “the Civil Rights Movement started to make a big impact once white people joined them.” The take-away for the entire class of […]


There are those who hate the one who upholds justice in court and detest the one who tells the truth. You levy a straw tax on the poor and impose a tax on their grain. Therefore, though you have built stone mansions, you will not live in them; though you have planted lush vineyards, you […]