

What activists and organisers say about work

“Initially communities feared to be identified as protesters due to the nature of Ugandan politics, but with the trainings I got from Solidarity Uganda, I learnt about constructive resistance. This has enabled us to build small capacities of communities into realizing their potential by designing constructive ideas like the free clothing program, community food program, and the community library. This has helped us to address issues of poverty hence bringing people together in organizing against injustice.”

John Mbaziira Activist

“I joined activism due to police brutality and when I started taking part in it, police arrested me and I ended up in hospital in life support machine. But because of the trainings and mentorship I attained from Solidarity Uganda, I've built resilience to wage against all human rights violations and social injustices perpetrated by both the state and other actors.”

John Solomon nabuyanda Activist

“Solidarity Uganda has empowered us to know our rights. We are now able to own our fight against injustice in our community”

Alex Kipsang Activist

“I took part in the bicycle caravan to protest against a land grabber in Kumi district. Immediately after the caravan, the land grabber was chased away and the land was regained, that is the power of nonviolence activism.”

Christine Amongin Activist

“I’m grateful to Solidarity Uganda for equipping us with skills and knowledge on how to fight corruption nonviolently. In Kiyere police station, Serere district, we arrested a corrupt police officer who was found demanding a bribe of Uganda shilling 30,000 from a complainant. We captured footage of him receiving a bribe which we used against him in ensuring he faced the law”


“I am grateful to Solidarity Uganda, for being the first organization to invest its resources to train us on strategic nonviolence and movement building. We’ve used those skills to organize actions that include the ‘MPings’ protest in parliament where we painted pigs yellow, delivered them to parliament to protest against government's plan to procure vehicles worth 300 million Uganda shillings for each member of parliament.”

Robert Wels mayanja Activist