Daniel Okech is one of the scholars that scooped the Wii Otem Independent study scholarships offered by Solidarity Uganda at Wii Otem, Lira. As Steve Biko notes, the greatest weapon in the hand of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed and we can not stop enriching our minds with knowledge and resources that empower us to fight injustice, tyranny, oppression, and repression in our communities and country. We share some of the products written by Okech after his two weeks of self-study and guidance from our trainers at the center.

“It was such an important learning opportunity. I benefited from the excellent facilities afforded to us and was able to interact freely with a number of personalities. I thank Wii Otem/ Solidarity Uganda for this wonderful opportunity. It was highly beneficial and it served its purpose.”

Daniel Okech a beneficiary of the Wii Otem Independent Study Scholarship

Today we share one of his poems he wrote as a product for Wii Otem


The surreal night
Is disrupted by the distressed wail-
Of an expectant woman in labor,
Neglected, alone.
There is no nearby health centre, nor an emergency ambulance
The health units are poorly stocked and ill equipped
Because some ‘big fish’
Has no ounce of shame
Diverting Health funds to finance private luxuries
Maternal and infant mortality rates ignored
Soon, another innocent light burns out yet again
Many will follow suite
Yet the culprits turn a blind eye
Whose responsibility is this?
Who will speak out?
When daughters of societal cream
Are flown abroad in private jets
To deliver babies under specialized care
Who will speak out?
When ‘elites’ of society
Are medically insured,
So that not even an harmless sneeze goes unnoticed
Our schools are dilapidated
The roofs leak and desks are absent
Teachers are paid peanuts and silenced with threats of sacking
Performance deteriorates by the day;
The plight of the UPE generation ignored
Who cares?
When we have international schools
Who loses sleep?
When A-list private institutions,
Are at the disposal of ‘elites’
Our roads are impassable
We have potholes on our roads
Or rather roads on potholes
Bridges have collapsed
The brunt of shoddy works
Agricultural produce go to waste
The market cannot be accessed
Road carnages soar by the day
Yet bitter facts are swept under the carpet
Who will speak out?
When ‘liberators’ travel by air
It is the information age
Alas! Masses will be enlightened
Sensitization will spread like wild bush fire
But no;
Not when there is a caveat on information
Not when access to information,
Is curtailed by a certain Mr. OTT
Who will speak ill about this oppressor?
When legislators;
Supposed voices of the voiceless,
Are exempted from it
Will he who does not feel the pinch point a finger?
Peasants go through hell to educate children
For a family that does not invest in its children mortgages its future
For how shall one partake of the national cake?
Yet the sweat is all in vain
Because of the small matter of kitu kidogo
Because of that animal; nepotism
Who will speak out on unemployment?
Who will expose the ugly nakedness of corruption?
Who will shine light on the deplorable conditions of the common man?
Who will castigate ills of inequality and injustices?
The challenge falls on you and me
As you sit around wii otem
As you gather in barazas
As you Commune for malwa and mwenge bigere
And as you chat at the borehole or village well-
Let it be known that we deserve better
Let it be known that our collective voices have power
Do not be just another statistic
It starts with you
Speak out

Empowering the oppressed with skills for strategic nonviolence and movement building.

We educate vulnerable communities through discussion-based “problem-posing” education. The pedagogical methods of such community-based trainings employ cross-cultural interactions, physical activities, arts, debates, and other interactive and experiential approaches. Some call this “popular education,” “pedagogy of the oppressed,” or “adult education” (but we think even kids learn better this way)

Have any questions?
Call us now: 039 321 8133