To all our Christian Comrades,

We know that it is difficult for you not to celebrate this Easter in a way that you have always done due to the Coronavirus Pandemic.

You had probably laid out plans on how to celebrate this season. Maybe you planned to have the large family gathering with your loved ones, or attend prayers at your local church or maybe a vacation but all these are not possible because you have to observe social distancing and avoid public gatherings as we all keep safe. While this saddens many of us, it is important that we keep encouraging each other during these tough times believing that things will get better after all this is over. We need each other now more than ever before.

This pandemic is making our lives difficult but mostly the suffering of vulnerable people, the elderly, the sick, the poor and oppressed even deeper. We pray and hope that the government will make healthcare accessible for all and that everyone is protected and nobody’s rights are abused. We pray that the police army, LDUs, and all other security agencies stop brutalizing people; especially women in these appalling days. We pray that our leaders rise to the challenge of promoting unity, peace, accountability and shared responsibility at all levels.

As Christian, who believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, keep the faith and hope that this will pass soon and a time when we can gather together again, a time when we can rise against all evil, injustice, and oppression freely in all physical ways will soon come.

Thoroughly and frequently wash your hands with soap, maintain the social distancing, avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth, seek medical attention whenever COVID-19 symptoms appear and stay at home.

May this Easter season fill you with good HEALTH, LOVE, HOPE, and COURAGE to face the future.

Together we will overcome these difficult moments.

Empowering the oppressed with skills for strategic nonviolence and movement building.

We educate vulnerable communities through discussion-based “problem-posing” education. The pedagogical methods of such community-based trainings employ cross-cultural interactions, physical activities, arts, debates, and other interactive and experiential approaches. Some call this “popular education,” “pedagogy of the oppressed,” or “adult education” (but we think even kids learn better this way)

Have any questions?
Call us now: 039 321 8133